As a car owner, you should be very familiar with several things about your car. When something isn’t right with your car, you will likely be the first person to notice it. For instance, one common problem faced by car owners is when they hold the brake, and their car shakes. They start asking questions like why is my car shaking when I brake?, How can I fix my car? etc.
Why is my car shaking when I brake
Below are the reasons your car shakes when you brake.
1). Brake Pads and Rotors Need Attention
A common reason your car shakes when you apply brake is due to material firmly holding the rotor. When the brake pedal is pressed down, a caliper applies force to the brake pad. While this is ongoing, the brake pad is pushed down to the rotors making the vehicle’s wheels stop spinning. You may not know this but the brake pads compile dirt, oil, and other materials. All these causes vibration of your car when it happens most especially when you press the brake pad.
The rotors also get thinner as time goes by making them vulnerable to damage. While on steering and you apply the brake, heat is generated which may cause damage to the rotor. When the rotors are warped, it can lead to a slipping brake pad. To avoid these slipping rotors, make sure you try replacing them around the 70,000-mile mark. Replacing them depends on the way you drive, the weight of your vehicle, and the climate of where you are based.
As a car owner, you might have also noticed that there is a sharp noise outside of your vehicle when you push the brake. This usually happens when a brake is worn out. When you notice this sharp noise, all you have to do is replace the brake quickly. It is recommended that you check the vehicle manual on the specific period a brake should be changed.
2). Dry Guide Pins
When you come to a complete brake and your steering wheel shakes, the cause may be coming from your Dry guide pins. The Dry guide pins are a component of the brake caliper that guilds the brake pad to the rector. You should always try your best possible to keep these pins clean, and lubricated if you want them to function well. The major reason for keeping it lubricated is because they are dry, they can make the caliper stick.
3). Issues With Alignment
Try observing your vehicle to see if it’s shuddering. In other to know if your vehicle has an alignment problem, follow the step below:
- Hit an empty straight road with your vehicle
- Your vehicle speed should be between 50 mph to 55 mph
- Slightly take off your hand from the steering wheel for just a few seconds (remember, your hand should be very close to the steering just in case of emergency)
- You should be able to notice if the car changes direction slightly to the left or the right.
If your car is in good shape or without any alignment issues, then your car should travel straight. But if it changes directions when you take your hand off the steering, then your car may need a check-up on the alignment.
4). Unbalanced Tires
You might start thinking, ‘I have a good brake, my dry guide pins are in good shape but why is my car shaking when I brake?” Well, another reason that might make your car shake when you brake is your unbalance car tires.
If your vehicle tires are unbalanced and bent in a particular way, your vehicle suspension system will have to work harder and force itself to keep moving. This alone can cause your steering wheel to shake.
At this point, take your vehicle to the mechanic/Car technician for a tire rotation. Ask the technician to check the wheel alignment.
5). Bent Wheel Rims
His is also similar to unbalanced tires. Bent wheel rims make your car drift and shake when you drive. That is why as a car owner or a driver, you should try as much as possible to avoid potholes. When you are always going through potholes, the probability of getting a bent wheel is high.
While on high speed with a bent wheel, you will notice a light vibration from your car. The more you increase the speed, the worst the vibration becomes. This vibration goes a long way in affecting your car steering and making vibrations that are uncomfortable in your car. At this point, it is best you take your car to a technician to fix the bent wheel rims before it causes another damage.
6). Suspension Problems
“Why is My Car Shaking When I brake even though my brake pads, rotors, wheel rims, tires are perfectly fine?” This might be the big question asked by car owners. When your car has a suspension problem, you do not need to apply the brake before your car starts shaking. When you notice that, your car usually shakes during your regular driving even without applying a brake, then the issue might be coming from your car suspension. Little things like potholes, small rocks can go long way in affecting your car’s axle, and in the process affect your car suspension.
Another part affected by axle damage is the constant velocity (CV) joint, which is connected to the vehicle’s axle. If the rubber boots that protect the CV joint become damaged by holes or filled with dirt and debris, the vehicle might shake. Almost any impact on the axle system affects this joint.
7). Power Steering Issues
When it comes to power steering, there are numerous parts involved. To have a smooth drive, each of these parts should be in perfect condition. Steering a car isn’t supposed to be a thing of force, but in a situation where you have to apply force before your steering wheel moves, or the situation when you apply more energy on your steering wheel and discover a shaking sensation, then you might want to check your power steering.
Try to duplicate the maneuver when the vehicle stops and critically observe if the vehicle shakes. Turn your steering wheel and observe. If it shakes when you turn it, the steering components could be the problem. One of your hoses may be leaking and need quick attention.
Conclusion to the topic “Why is My Car Shaking When I brake?”
It is common for car owners to say the word ‘Why is My Car Shaking When I brake?’ without any intention of finding out the actual problem of the car and fixing it. Most car owners do not know that a shaking car is as dangerous as a failed brake. When you notice your car is shaking, the best you could do is to quickly take it to a qualified mechanic to carefully examine and fix the problem of your car.
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